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  • No. 8, Fuqiang Road, Xinbei District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province
  • pump@prefluid.com
  • +86 13861019936
Which pump tube material has the longest service life

Which pump tube material has the longest service life

Pump speed and pressure of the pump tube, pump material and its chemical compatibility, and the abrasion of the pump fluid (medi...

Jul 18, 2022 Learn more
How does a peristaltic pump work?

How does a peristaltic pump work?

The working principle of peristaltic pump is easy to understand, just like squeezing a tube full of liquid with two fingers one ...

Jul 18, 2022 Learn more
Prefluid summarizes several frequently asked questions about Peristaltic pump

Prefluid summarizes several frequently asked questions about Peristaltic pump

In the whole peristaltic pump system, the hose is a common consumable, in the use of many problems. Today, Prefluid has summed u...

Jul 18, 2022 Learn more
Prefluid teaches you how to determine the filling accuracy of a peristaltic pump

Prefluid teaches you how to determine the filling accuracy of a peristaltic pump

According to Prefluid understand,In unit time transmission fluid is known as the process of filling, quantitative peristaltic p...

Jul 18, 2022 Learn more


  • Telephone: +86 13861019936
  • E-mai: pump@prefluid.com
  • Address:No. 8, Fuqiang Road, Xinbei District,
  • Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province

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