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  • No. 8, Fuqiang Road, Xinbei District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province
  • pump@prefluid.com
  • +86 13861019936
The use of the peristaltic pump technique

The use of the peristaltic pump technique

Peristaltic pump is also known as constant current pump and hose pump. The mechanical principle of peristaltic pump is very simp...

Nov 22, 2022 Learn more
Peristaltic pump before use the matters needing attention

Peristaltic pump before use the matters needing attention

Before the second use of the peristaltic pump, we must also do some checks, in order to protect the peristaltic pump, for the pe...

Nov 21, 2022 Learn more
What traffic peristaltic pump is used for

What traffic peristaltic pump is used for

In the industry or the pharmaceutical industry is inseparable from the precision, fluid transmission and precision fluid transmi...

Nov 17, 2022 Learn more
Pury peristaltic pump advantages and disadvantages

Pury peristaltic pump advantages and disadvantages

Pury and advantages and disadvantages of the difference between a peristaltic pump and other pump

Nov 15, 2022 Learn more
How to choose silicone peristaltic pump pipe

How to choose silicone peristaltic pump pipe

Transmission of different fluid, the hose should be show some excellent chemical properties, is called chemical compatibility. S...

Nov 10, 2022 Learn more
Both transmissive peristaltic pump and the metering pump

Both transmissive peristaltic pump and the metering pump

Transmission peristaltic pump and metering pump belong to two concepts respectively. The peristaltic pump refers to the working ...

Nov 06, 2022 Learn more
Both transmissive peristaltic pump principle and advantages

Both transmissive peristaltic pump principle and advantages

The transmission-type peristaltic pump works by taking advantage of the ability of a soft elastomer tube to withstand deformatio...

Nov 04, 2022 Learn more
How to choose the peristaltic pump pump head

How to choose the peristaltic pump pump head

Peristaltic pump pump head is an integral part of peristaltic pump, has played a very important role, so we choose to select the...

Nov 02, 2022 Learn more


  • Telephone: +86 13861019936
  • E-mai: pump@prefluid.com
  • Address:No. 8, Fuqiang Road, Xinbei District,
  • Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province

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