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Peristaltic pump hose cleaning methods and precautions

Release date:Nov 03, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Peristaltic pump hose is a peristaltic pump accessories, mainly used to transport liquids, gases, mixtures of solids. Peristaltic pump hose has a certain elasticity, abrasion resistance, a certain ability to withstand pressure, airtight, low adsorption, good temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, low precipitates, etc., down to the Pratt briefly introduces you to the peristaltic pump hose cleaning methods and precautions:
Peristaltic pump hose is a peristaltic pump accessories, mainly used to transport liquids, gases, mixtures of solids. Peristaltic pump hose has a certain elasticity, abrasion resistance, a certain ability to withstand pressure, airtight, low adsorption, good temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, low precipitates, etc., down to the Pratt briefly introduces you to the peristaltic pump hose cleaning methods and precautions:
Peristaltic pump hose cleaning methods:
Different industries convey different liquids, so the cleaning method of the hose is different. General sterilization can be used high temperature or alcohol sterilization. Take the food-grade peristaltic pump hose, hose with non-toxic and odorless characteristics, often yellow and high transparency, if the time is long, there will be blackening and other phenomena. In this case, you can use a special cleaning agent to rinse the hose until the dirt leaks out, rinse and then soak in boiling water for 5 minutes, or put into the microwave oven at high temperatures. Some people may be concerned that high temperatures will cause damage to the peristaltic pump hose, but do not worry, because the silicone hose has good heat and cold resistance.

Peristaltic pump hose cleaning methods and precautions
If it is a normal industrial hose, together with a large number of cases, you can directly inject a disinfectant. Some users are concerned about the availability of alcohol, whether it will affect the peristaltic pump hose, resulting in corrosion and other issues, and even some industries require the use of peristaltic pump hose to transport alcohol. That is to say, silica gel hose material, silica gel is a highly reactive material, the production process after the acid reaction, belongs to the amorphous material (chemical formula MSiO2). NH2O), has a strong chemical stability, insoluble in any solvent. Alcohol concentration must reach 70% to be lethal to bacteria so that certified peristaltic pump tubing will not be corroded or damaged by alcohol.
A: During the cleaning process, there may be air inside the peristaltic pump hose to prevent the cleaning solution from entering the hose. Cleaning fluid can be delivered by the peristaltic pump for cleaning.
Two: If the hose is damaged, please replace it in a timely manner.
Third: special materials have different cleaning methods for the hose. If you are not sure whether the cleaning method is correct, feel free to contact us.
【Tag of this article】:Peristaltic pump hose cleaning methods and precautions
【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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