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Peristaltic pump pulse

Release date:Mar 30, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Peristaltic pump is a kind of pump equipment which uses the peristaltic movement of flexible tube to realize fluid transportation. Its special structure makes it in the transport of high viscosity, volatile, easy crystallization, easy oxidation, easy corrosion and other special fluid has a unique advantage.
Peristaltic pump is a kind of pump equipment which uses the peristaltic movement of flexible tube to realize fluid transportation. Its special structure makes it in the transport of high viscosity, volatile, easy crystallization, easy oxidation, easy corrosion and other special fluid has a unique advantage.

In the use of peristaltic pump, often appear the phenomenon of pulse, this phenomenon has a great impact on the stability of the peristaltic pump and the quality of the fluid delivery. The reason for the peristaltic pump pulse is that the peristaltic movement of the flexible tube is not continuous and steady, but periodically changes. Because the peristaltic motion of the flexible tube is caused by the motor driving the regulating wheel to rotate, and the speed of the motor is constantly changing, so the peristaltic motion of the flexible tube is also constantly changing, which leads to the pulse of the peristaltic pump.

The effect of peristaltic pump pulse is mainly manifested in two aspects.

The first is the impact on the peristaltic pump itself. The pulse will make the peristaltic pump work unstable, and even lead to the damage of the pump. The second is the impact on the transport fluid, pulse will make the fluid flow instability, and then affect the quality of the fluid.

In order to solve the peristaltic pump pulse problem, the following measures can be taken. The first is to optimize the structure of peristaltic pump, increase the buffer and other devices to reduce the generation of pulse. Secondly, by adjusting the speed of the motor to reduce the frequency and amplitude of the pulse.

In addition, multiple pumps can be used in parallel to reduce the pulse problem of a single pump and improve the stability and uniformity of the conveying fluid.

In a word, peristaltic pump pulse is a common problem in the working process of peristaltic pump, need to take effective measures to solve. By optimizing the structure of the pump, adjusting the speed of the motor and adopting multiple pumps in parallel, the occurrence of peristaltic pump pulse can be effectively reduced, and the working stability of the peristaltic pump and the quality of the conveying fluid can be improved.
【Tag of this article】:Peristaltic pump pulse
【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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