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Peristaltic pump metering pump

Release date:Mar 23, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Peristaltic Pump (Peristaltic Pump) is a metering pump that transfers fluid through a rubber tube pressed by a contour wheel. Peristaltic pump metering pump is favored for its excellent performance and wide range of applications. The following will discuss the peristaltic pump metering pump principle, characteristics and applications.
Peristaltic Pump (Peristaltic Pump) is a metering pump that transfers fluid through a rubber tube pressed by a contour wheel. Peristaltic pump metering pump is favored for its excellent performance and wide range of applications. The following will discuss the peristaltic pump metering pump principle, characteristics and applications.

The principle of peristaltic pump is to press the rubber tube by rotating the contour wheel, so as to produce a peristaltic effect. A peristaltic pump works similar to the human digestive system. It pushes fluid through the tube by peristalsis. Peristaltic pump is characterized by the ability to transport fluids of different viscosity and concentration, with high accuracy and reliability.

Peristaltic pump metering pump has the following characteristics:

1. High precision: the accuracy of peristaltic pump metering pump can reach ±1%.

2. No pollution: The working principle of peristaltic pump metering pump is to transport fluid by pressing rubber tube, so there will be no pollution.

3. Low maintenance cost: The design of peristaltic pump metering pump is simple, low maintenance cost.

4. Wide range of applications: peristaltic pump metering pump can be used in medical, chemical, food, pharmaceutical, environmental protection and other fields. Peristaltic pump metering pump has a very wide range of applications. In the medical field, peristaltic pump metering pumps can be used to deliver medicine, fluids and blood. In the field of chemical engineering, peristaltic pump metering pumps can be used to transport corrosive liquids, high concentration liquids and high temperature liquids. In the food field, peristaltic pump metering pumps can be used to transport syrups, juices and sauces. In the pharmaceutical field, peristaltic pump metering pumps can be used to deliver pharmaceuticals and biological products. In the field of environmental protection, peristaltic pump metering pumps can be used to transport waste water and sludge.

In short, peristaltic pump metering pump is an excellent metering pump, with high precision, no pollution, low maintenance cost and a wide range of applications. Peristaltic pump metering pump in medical, chemical, food, pharmaceutical, environmental protection and other fields has a very important application value.
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