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Spring type peristaltic pump pump head common problems

Release date:Feb 20, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
The spring type peristaltic pump pump head comprises a shrinkable inner tube and a flexible outer tube, a single flow valve member and a pressure control valve member, the inner tube device in the channel of the outer tube.
The spring type peristaltic pump pump head comprises a shrinkable inner tube and a flexible outer tube, a single flow valve member and a pressure control valve member, the inner tube device in the channel of the outer tube. The pressure controls the valve member and the single flow valve member to allow the positive pressure liquid at the entrance to enter the inner tube and to allow the liquid to enter the inner tube passage from which the peristaltic pump pumps the positive pressure liquid through only the single flow valve member.
In many applications, the selection of pump head is very important. The correct use of pump head can eliminate many unnecessary faults in the process of starting and running. The following is about the spring type peristaltic pump pump head common problems:
Is the spring peristaltic pump head related to the size of the pump tube?
Pump head types that fit only one tube size can perform pump head functions (e.g. capacity to accept pressure and vacuum, flexural yield limits, etc.). And can be adapted to a variety of pump tube size pump head has more uniform function. This can make the same pump head has a larger pumping flow range, so it can be the maximum limit for a variety of different applications.
Spring type peristaltic pump pump head and flow range?
The size of the pump tube directly affects the flow rate, and the size of the pump tube is related to the type of pump head.
Spring type peristaltic pump pump head can idling?
Peristaltic pump can pump gas, liquid and gas-liquid mixture fluid, it is capable of idling.
What is the chemical characteristic of peristaltic pump head?
Spring type peristaltic pump pump head material with chemical corrosion resistance, bearing shell maintenance, so even in corrosive fluid or harsh environmental conditions can cope. And this kind of pump head with high function plastic shell has the advantages of light weight, strong resistance to chemical corrosion, low price.
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【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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