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Peristaltic pump use details

Release date:Feb 09, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Peristaltic pump is a type of pump that realizes fluid transfer by squeezing the hose. Usually, the pressure above 4KG is called the hose pump, and the pressure below 4KG is called the peristaltic pump.
Peristaltic pump is a type of pump that realizes fluid transfer by squeezing the hose. Usually, the pressure above 4KG is called the hose pump, and the pressure below 4KG is called the peristaltic pump.

Peristaltic pumps are divided into plug and play complete sets of peristaltic pumps and OEM peristaltic pumps for OEM customers and equipment manufacturers and machinery manufacturers. Complete set of peristaltic pump can also be called the whole machine pump, suitable for independent work, such as laboratory, industrial production, etc. OEM pump is suitable for OEM customers.

Here mainly for the purpose of peristaltic pump to do a general description. First of all, we can make sure that any scenario or application that requires peristaltic pumps is to handle fluids (any fluid, or a mixture of solid and liquid), and the main role of the pump is to transport. The delivery accuracy of peristaltic pump can reach the highest ±0.5%, so it can meet the needs of quantitative transportation, but also can meet the needs of quantitative distribution.

In summary, from the level of product function, the main use of peristaltic pump is: quantitative or metering transmission, quantitative or metering distribution. Therefore, any application scenario with quantitative transmission and distribution needs can be selected to meet the application needs of peristaltic pump.

And for the use of the pump can also be simply considered from the working state of the pump: positive operation, reverse operation, running time, stop time, running speed, through these constant speed or variable speed state to meet the application of the process flow.

In terms of application purposes, its scenarios are very rich. In summary, the application of peristaltic pump can meet the whole process from laboratory to production, including analytical instrument application, laboratory, process control, industrial manufacturing process.

The advantages of peristaltic pump include: low shear, non-pollution aseptic transmission, hose is the only consumable, flow stability measurement accuracy, easy installation, simple operation, low maintenance cost, easy to expand, positive and negative reversible, no siphon globe valve function, self-suction dry operation, viscous transmission capacity.

The application of peristaltic pump is numerous, and the application industry includes:

1, analytical instruments: chromatograph, atomic fluorescence photometer.

2. Medical industry: medical equipment, diagnostic reagents and instruments.

3, biopharmaceutical: coating machine, pelleting pill making machine, fermenter, used for purification, fluid transportation, distribution filling, high precision liquid distribution.

4. Experimental research: laboratories and research equipment.

5. Food and beverage: ready-to-drink machine, yogurt machine, self-service vending machine, intelligent milk tea machine, condiment distribution and addition, beer industry.

6, environmental industry: water quality analysis instrument, quality control instrument, water quality sampling instrument, gas analyzer.

7, printing and packaging: conveying ink and coating solvent, coating and adhesive.

8, inkjet printing ink: inkjet printing machine, printer.

9, washing and cleaning: washing machine, dishwasher.

10, ceramic industry: eliminate pores, quantitative addition of defoamer, ceramic paste.

11, mining: transfer of abrasive ore and tailings mud, filter liquid supply, flocculant metering and chemical metering, ore sampling, pumping thickener bottom flow.

12, industrial applications: sand base colloidal measurement, measurement containing abrasive coating solution, measurement of high viscosity resin, chemical recycling, coatings and paints.

13, pulp and paper industry: packing, pulp pretreatment process, pulp coating ideal pump, pulp and paper industry water and sewage treatment, precise chemical and additive quantitative delivery, delivery of dyeing additives.

14, household appliances: intelligent toilet, soap dispenser, disinfectant machine, sweeper, mopping machine.

15, industrial machinery: grinding machine, glass fiber spinning machine, photovoltaic production.

Peristaltic pump has excellent performance and reliability, so the application is very wide, can meet the application needs of various processes, including from experimental scientific research, analytical instruments to industrial production in many fields, so the use of peristaltic pump is very much, use is also very wide.
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【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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