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How to choose the peristaltic pump pump head

Release date:Nov 02, 2022 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Peristaltic pump pump head is an integral part of peristaltic pump, has played a very important role, so we choose to select the peristaltic pump pump head? PreFluid analysis to everybody with below:
Peristaltic pump head is an indispensable part of the peristaltic pump, plays a very important role, so we choose to choose the peristaltic pump head? The following Puri fluid to give you the analysis:

Generally speaking, the choice of pump head needs to consider four points:

Flow size ---- Different pump heads can achieve different flow

Pump line Replacement frequency ---- Some pump heads allow quick hose replacement

Number of channels required ---- In most cases the pump heads can be overlapped

Chemical compatibility ---- such as chemical leakage, pump head material becomes very important

Let's talk about it in detail:

Flow range

The flow rate requirement determines the size and type of pump pipe.

Pump head material

The pump head material should be corrosion-resistant, and the bearing should be protected by a shell to cope with corrosive fluids or harsh environmental conditions. Pump heads with high performance plastic housing have the advantages of light weight, strong chemical resistance and low price.

The number of rollers

The number of roller pump head is less, the flow rate increases; But the pulse also increases. When the number of rollers is more, the pulse decreases and the packing accuracy increases. But the flow rate decreases, the service life of the pump line is shortened. The vacuum performance and pressure performance of the pump tube are also improved when the number of rollers passing the pump tube is increased.

Easy installation

Pharmaceutical, food supply, and printing processes require frequent replacement of pump lines. In order to save time when cleaning or changing products, quick loading type pump heads can be used (such as Puri KZ15, KZ25, KZ35, etc.), which can save expensive labor costs and improve work efficiency.

Suitable pump pipe size

Pump head types that can only be fitted to one pipe size can perform optimally for that size (e.g. pressure and vacuum capacity, flexing yield limit, etc.). The pump head that can be adapted to a variety of pump pipe sizes has more average performance. This allows the same pump head to have a wide range of pumping flow.

Fixed or adjustable pump line locking degree

The advantages of the fixed locking type peristaltic pump are the best performance when used repeatedly, and the operator's chance of error is reduced, and suitable for a long time uninterrupted work. It provides excellent repeatability when used with precision extruded pump pipes. The ADJUSTABLE LOCKING peristALtic PUMP can increase the locking degree of the pump pipe during self-irrigation, or reduce the locking degree in low-pressure applications to extend the service life of the pump pipe. This method can also achieve the purpose of fine-tuning traffic. This is especially useful for flow synchronization in multi-channel pump heads. (such as Puri BZ25, BZ35)

Special pump head

Unique pump head configurations are available for specific market requirements such as smooth delivery, fast volume distribution, long range pumping, or superior chemical corrosion resistance. This type of pump head can play the advantage of a particular function to the extreme.

【Tag of this article】:How to choose the peristaltic pump pump head
【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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