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Speed regulating peristaltic pump

Release date:Apr 12, 2024 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
The speed regulating peristaltic pump is a common industrial pump, which has excellent advantages and characteristics compared with other types of pumps.
The speed regulating peristaltic pump is a common industrial pump, which has excellent advantages and characteristics compared with other types of pumps. The speed regulating peristaltic pump adopts the forward peristaltic method, which can adjust the flow rate and pressure, and is suitable for a variety of applications. In this article, we will introduce the speed control peristaltic pump, its advantages, components, working principles and some typical application areas.

The advantages of speed control peristaltic pump

Speed control peristaltic pump has the following advantages:

1. Suitable for a variety of liquids: speed control peristaltic pump can be used to transport a variety of different types of liquids, including viscous liquid, granular liquid and corrosive liquid. This makes the speed-controlled peristaltic pump an essential tool in many industries.

2. Energy saving: The speed regulating peristaltic pump uses the motor as a power source to transport liquid by compressing the pump chamber. The speed regulating peristaltic pump can adjust the flow according to actual needs, thereby reducing energy consumption.

3. Simple maintenance: The maintenance of the speed control peristaltic pump is relatively simple, because it is only composed of some simple components, such as gear box, drive wheel, pump head and motor. In addition, these components can be replaced separately without having to replace the entire pump.

Speed control peristaltic pump components

Speed control peristaltic pump is mainly composed of the following parts:

1. Gear box: Gear box has excellent sealing and reliability, and can withstand higher pressure in the pump chamber.

2. Driving wheel: The driving wheel is the central part of the speed control peristaltic pump, which drives the pump head to work through the motor.

3. Pump head: The pump head is the core part of the speed control peristaltic pump, which is responsible for drawing the liquid from the entrance to the pump chamber, and pushing the liquid to the exit through the forward peristaltic movement.

4. Motor: Motor as the power source of the speed control peristaltic pump, provides the necessary strong driving force.

The working principle of speed regulating peristaltic pump

The working principle of the speed-adjusting peristaltic pump is based on a double-layer pump head and two compression pump chambers driven by the fork of the driving wheel. The pump head consists of two independent parts, namely the front and the rear. The pump chamber is divided into two different compression areas by the inner wall, and through the round trip movement of the drive wheel fork, a strong pressure is generated in the pump chamber against the discharged fluid.

When the driving wheel begins to rotate, the close part of the pump head increases, and the pressure of the liquid in the compressed pump chamber increases, so that the bushing is extruded forward by the pump head. When the drive wheel fork teeth move inward, the jet of the bushing forms a groove, drawing the liquid into the pump chamber from the inlet. Such repeated cyclical movement, the pump head will continue to suction the liquid from the inlet to the outlet.

The application field of speed regulating peristaltic pump

Speed control peristaltic pump has a wide range of applications, such as:

1. Chemical industry: Used for acid, alkali solution, paint, varnish, resin, coating, emulsion, petroleum products, fertilizer and other materials transportation.

2. Food industry: Used for dairy products, condiments, syrups, chocolate, edible oil, wine and other materials transportation.

3. Petroleum industry: Used to transport crude oil, heavy oil and asphalt and other materials.

4. Pharmaceutical industry: used to transport various pharmaceutical liquids, liquid preparations, liquids containing microbial substances, etc.

Various application fields of speed-regulating peristaltic pump put forward different requirements. Therefore, for different application fields, different types of speed regulating peristaltic pumps need to be configured.
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