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Industrial peristaltic pump

Release date:Apr 08, 2024 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Industrial peristaltic pump is a very important industrial equipment, usually used to transport a variety of viscous liquids, mud and fluids containing impurities and solid particles. It is a special forward discharge pump that completes the delivery process by squeezing and relaxing a series of compression tubes. The working principle of the industrial peristaltic pump is very simple, but it is very effective and can meet a variety of different industrial needs.
Industrial peristaltic pump is a very important industrial equipment, usually used to transport a variety of viscous liquids, mud and fluids containing impurities and solid particles. It is a special forward discharge pump that completes the delivery process by squeezing and relaxing a series of compression tubes. The working principle of the industrial peristaltic pump is very simple, but it is very effective and can meet a variety of different industrial needs.

The most important component of an industrial peristaltic pump is the compression tube, which is a round tube usually made of rubber or other elastic material. When the pump starts working, the liquid flowing in from the inlet will push a certain part of the tube forward, which will create a small pump chamber in front of the tube, thus creating a vacuum. Next, another part of the tube returns to its original shape, forcing the fluid inside the pump chamber out of the pump outlet. The liquid then flows into the next part of the pipe and the process is repeated, thus completing the conveying process.

Industrial peristaltic pumps have many advantages, such as a small footprint, which can meet some applications where no other pump is available. And the industrial peristaltic pump is also very flexible, can be used for continuous transport, can also be used for intermittent transport. Industrial peristaltic pumps can transport liquids with different particle sizes and different viscosity, can also transport high concentrations of mud, oil and slag, etc., and can even transport acids, alkalis and corrosive substances. In addition, it can also be reversed to allow the compression tube to be used left and right, thereby extending the service life.

Industrial peristaltic pumps are widely used in modern industry, especially in chemical industry, food processing, paper making, environmental protection and other fields. Because the industrial peristaltic pump can meet a variety of different requirements, and its peristaltic working principle can reduce the damage of the pump to the transported solid particles, thereby reducing product loss and improving the efficiency of industrial production.

When choosing an industrial peristaltic pump, there are several key factors to consider. The first is the flow rate and the height of the pump head, which depends on the type of liquid being transported and the distance it is transported. The second is the material and life of the compression tube, which is also the key to considering the service life and cost effectiveness. In addition, users need to consider factors such as noise, installation and maintenance.

In short, the industrial peristaltic pump is a very important industrial equipment that can play a huge role in a variety of applications. Its peristaltic working principle, as well as excellent performance, more and more attention and use in the field of industrial production and environmental protection, has become an indispensable part of all walks of life.
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【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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