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Don't let fluid shear happen! Peristaltic pumps let you say goodbye to the night

Release date:Feb 23, 2024 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
As an important fluid conveying equipment, peristaltic pump plays an important role in pharmaceutical, food and other industrial fields.
As an important fluid conveying equipment, peristaltic pump plays an important role in pharmaceutical, food and other industrial fields. Some biological products are so fine that any shear or external force can damage them. Therefore, in the transport of these biological products, there is a great need for a fluid transport equipment that can avoid shear and damage. The peristaltic pump is such a device, which does not shear, but also ensures the integrity of the transport of fine biological products.

A peristaltic pump is a device that makes fluid flow through a compressed hose or rigid tube. When the drive mechanism drives the peristaltic pump, the hose or hard tube in the pump head will be deformed by the extrusion of the drive mechanism, so that the fluid in the pump will produce pressure, so as to achieve the delivery of fluid. This is the basic working principle of peristaltic pump.

Compared with other pumps, peristaltic pumps have a very significant feature that does not produce any shear and damage to the fluid. This is mainly because the peristaltic pump uses a compressed hose or hard tube for fluid transport, unlike centrifugal pumps or gear pumps and other pumps that produce eccentric force and eddy currents, thereby avoiding shear and damage to the fluid.

Another characteristic of peristaltic pump is that it has good corrosion resistance and wear resistance. This is because the pump head structure of the peristaltic pump is generally composed of a hose or a hard tube and a compression roller, and the hose or hard tube material is usually made of corrosion-resistant, wear-resistant materials, such as fluoroplastics, polytetrafluoroethylene and so on. This ensures that the peristaltic pump is not easy to be damaged when transporting corrosive media such as acid, alkali and salt.

In the manufacturing process of biological products, peristaltic pumps also play an important role. In the process of preparing cell culture medium and bioreactor stirring, for fine biological products, such as cells, viruses, proteins, etc., aseptic operation and shear avoidance are required. Peristaltic pump is such a device, it can avoid shear, aseptic transport, can well maintain the integrity and stability of biological products, so as to ensure the quality and efficiency of the final biological products.

In short, peristaltic pump is a very important fluid transport equipment, especially in the field of medicine, food and other fine production plays an important role. It is characterized by avoiding shear, has good corrosion resistance and wear resistance, and can achieve aseptic delivery. Therefore, the use of peristaltic pumps for the transport of biological products can ensure the stability and quality of the production process, while avoiding shear and damage, thus making the manufacture of biological products more efficient and safe.
【Tag of this article】:Don't let fluid shear happen! Peristaltic pumps let you say goodbye to the nightmare of destroying fine biological products!
【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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