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Comparison between peristaltic pump and gear pump

Release date:Dec 08, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Peristaltic pump and gear pump are two types of pump products with very different working principles, and their use methods, performance and application fields are very different.
Peristaltic pump and gear pump are two types of pump products with very different working principles, and their use methods, performance and application fields are very different.

Pressure: peristaltic pump is a low-pressure product pump, the general working pressure does not exceed 0.7Mpa, large peristaltic pump (hose pump) can reach more than 1Mpa. The gear pump can produce a large pressure, which can reach more than 10Mpa. Therefore, the lift of the gear pump is much larger than that of the peristaltic pump.

Pulsation: When the peristaltic pump transmits the liquid, it is transmitted one by one, with a large pulsation phenomenon. The pulsation phenomenon of the gear pump is much smaller, and the transmitted liquid flow is stable.

Sealing: In the case of the use of peristaltic pump can be exempted from the application of many valves, without having to consider whether the liquid return and other factors, because the peristaltic pump is always able to maintain the seal. Gear pump is impossible to seal, so it is necessary to install a check valve and other devices to ensure that the fluid does not return.

Suction: Peristaltic pump can produce 97% vacuum, suction can reach 8.5 meters. The lift of the gear pump generally does not exceed 0.5 meters.

Efficiency: The working efficiency of the peristaltic pump is 100% in the case of good sealing, that is, the head and pressure have no effect on the flow of the peristaltic pump. The gear pump body can not be matched without a gap, so the fluid can not be 100% discharged from the outlet, so the fluid loss is inevitable. Precision gear pump, up to 95% efficiency.

Transmission medium: peristaltic pump transmission of many kinds of fluid, not only can transmit particles of fluid, but also can transmit strong acid and alkali and strong organic solvent fluids, only need to choose a suitable fluid hose can be. In order to ensure the service life of the gear pump, the gear pump is mostly suitable for the transmission of viscous oil substances (can lubricate the gear), the fluid can not have solid particles, and the strong acid and base fluids can not be.

Health level: The health level of peristaltic pump is the highest in all pump products, because when the peristaltic pump transmits the fluid medium, the medium only contacts with the hose, does not contact any other substances, there is no health dead Angle, the medical dialysis process is the use of peristaltic pump, enough to prove its high health level. There are many sanitary dead corners inside the gear pump, it is very inconvenient to clean, and there is secondary pollution to the fluid.

Flow attenuation: After using for a period of time, the flow of the peristaltic pump is attenuated, and the occasions with high flow requirements need to be corrected regularly. Gear pumps also have flow attenuation due to wear, but it is much better than peristaltic pumps.

Maintenance: peristaltic pump does not need special maintenance methods, replace a new pipe is a new pump. Gear pump according to the actual working conditions, the need to regularly replace and repair the wearing parts.
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【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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