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Peristaltic pump commonly used motor introduction

Release date:Dec 06, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
In the peristaltic pump drive, the motor is an indispensable part. Different pump models, sometimes the motor model is different, and recently some users asked why not use the same motor, so it is also convenient to use.
In the peristaltic pump drive, the motor is an indispensable part. Different pump models, sometimes the motor model is different, and recently some users asked why not use the same motor, so it is also convenient to use. The answer is no, it is because different motors have different characteristics, so they should be used separately, the following fluid will introduce you to several commonly used motors.

First, the flow accuracy of the stepper motor is generally 3~5%, which can not be calibrated in real time, and it is generally set a speed frequency and let it run by itself without feedback mechanism; Then the temperature will be relatively high when using, about 80 degrees Celsius, which is normal, so when you use to see him hot don't think he is bad; It is also normal that the peristaltic pump of the stepper motor will become more and more inaccurate as the flux gets larger. The above three are the more distinctive characteristics of the stepper motor peristaltic pump, so when you choose, you must choose according to your own situation

The DC motor we generally say is DC servo motor, which is also divided into brushed DC servo motor and brushless DC motor. Brush DC motor peristaltic pump is generally cheaper, adjust the speed is more convenient, but the disadvantage is that we have to often to maintain, this is one of the bad, this is generally used in industry, or civil. The peristaltic pump with DC brush motor is very cost-effective. Then it is DC brushless click quality, intelligent control, and no maintenance, fast response, high precision. It's just more expensive.

Third, AC motor AC motor and brushless DC motor similar, high quality, but the price is relatively expensive, research institute, school, the whole machine system, the flow accuracy requirements are high, the product quality requirements are strict for the use of AC motor and brushless DC motor
【Tag of this article】:Peristaltic pump commonly used motor introduction
【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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