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Five key points to improve the efficiency of peristaltic pump

Release date:Nov 13, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
The working principle of peristaltic pump is to alternately squeeze and release the silicone tube of peristaltic pump to complete the delivery of fluid.
The working principle of peristaltic pump is to alternately squeeze and release the silicone tube of peristaltic pump to complete the delivery of fluid. With the development of The Times, peristaltic pumps have a wide range of applications in pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics and other industries. So, how to use to improve the efficiency of peristaltic pump? Peristaltic pump manufacturers sorted out the following:

1. When the peristaltic pump is in the shutdown state, loosening the pressure tube block can extend the life of the pump tube.

Peristaltic pump is to rely on the compression hose and hose natural rebound to produce suction to transport fluid, when the peristaltic pump is not used, try to lift the pump head press block, so that the pump tube is in a natural state of non-pressure, thus extending the life of the pump tube.

2. Reduce the pump speed as much as possible.

When the peristaltic pump is running, the pump speed should be reduced as much as possible under the premise of meeting the flow rate. Because the flow of the peristaltic pump is generated by the rotation of the pump head, the faster the pump head is rotated, the greater the wear of the pump tube will be.

3. Selection of pump pipe material.

When choosing a peristaltic pump, pay attention to the characteristics of the liquid that needs to be transported. Because the material of the pump pipe is more, the type of liquid transported is also very much, no liquid pump pipe can withstand all the bodies, so to determine the characteristics of the liquid, choose the suitable pump pipe. The peristaltic pump tube is a wearing part, and it is necessary to check the damage degree of the pump tube regularly to prevent liquid leakage.

4. In the process of using the peristaltic pump, keep the pump shell and pump pipe clean.

If the pump shell press wheel and press block and pump tube stick to the liquid, it changes the pressure gap of the pump head, and even a small change will cause damage to the pump head.

5. The theoretical flow rate of peristaltic pump selection should be greater than the actual flow rate.

The peristaltic pump tube is soft, and if the liquid transported has a certain viscosity or the pump tube has a certain length, it will cause the actual flow loss. In order to achieve the required flow rate, the theoretical flow rate should be slightly higher than the actual flow rate.
【Tag of this article】:Five key points to improve the efficiency of peristaltic pump
【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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