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Peristaltic pump daily operation tips

Release date:Nov 06, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Peristaltic pumps, also known as constant flow pumps, hose pumps, the mechanical principle is to pump fluids by alternately squeezing and releasing the pump tube. The following Changzhou Purui peristaltic pump manufacturer for you to share some of the daily operation of the peristaltic pump skills, I hope to help you.

Peristaltic pumps, also known as constant flow pumps, hose pumps, the mechanical principle is to pump fluids by alternately squeezing and releasing the pump tube. The following Changzhou Purui peristaltic pump manufacturer for you to share some of the daily operation of the peristaltic pump skills, I hope to help you.

1. the joints and caliber of the pump tube piping should not be lower than the caliber of the tubing installed in the pump head. Because suction is generated by the hose rebound, if the hose, especially the inlet pipe line is too long or caliber becomes small, it will cause too much resistance at the suction end, resistance is too large pump pipe rebound will be blocked, so the actual flow of the conveyor will be a great loss, and vice versa.

2. the use of Peristaltic pump special hose, because the peristaltic pump with the extrusion of the tube as a result of the need for good compression resilience, anti-tear performance, so the material purity of these pump tubes is relatively high, wall thickness and shape of high precision.

3. selection in order to meet the premise of flow, try to choose a lower speed. Because the flow is generated by the pump head rotation, if the faster the rotation, the shorter the time of use of the pump tube, so when the hope that the pump tube to use a longer period of time as far as possible, you can choose a larger diameter of the pump, thereby reducing the pump's rotational speed.

4. selection, the selected flow rate should be greater than the required flow rate, because the selected flow rate is generally tested, is the use of water test, if the transmission of the liquid viscosity is high, it will cause a certain loss of actual flow, so it is recommended that the selected flow rate should be greater than the actual flow rate.

【Tag of this article】:Peristaltic pump daily operation tips
【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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