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High-precision peristaltic pump dripping liquid what is the reason?

Release date:Oct 26, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
A customer inquiry, the use of high-precision peristaltic pumps to stop, the liquid in the pipeline will slowly drip until the sagging pipeline after the liquid dripping to stop the flow, which is a big problem for the use of peristaltic pumps as a quantitative tool, then what is the reason for this dripping liquid?
A customer inquiry, the use of high-precision peristaltic pumps to stop, the liquid in the pipeline will slowly drip until the sagging pipeline after the liquid dripping to stop the flow, which is a big problem for the use of peristaltic pumps as a quantitative tool, then what is the reason for this dripping liquid?
This is a normal liquid flow phenomenon, the main reason is due to the liquid in the work is full of sagging outlet piping, but when the peristaltic pump stops down after the piping outlet of the liquid due to its own gravity and the liquid ductility, it will be along the edge of the exit natural drip until the liquid in the sagging piping drops will stop. What is the cause of this? Puri peristaltic pump manufacturer to take you to understand.
1. Liquid self-tensioning anti-drip limitations
Since the liquid itself evaporates over time, if you need the liquid to prevent dripping for a long period of time, it may fail as it evaporates. Therefore, if your system often stops running for long periods of time after a period of use, a completely closed check valve system is the solution.

High-precision peristaltic pump dripping liquid what is the reason for it

2. The fluid itself will drop by gravity
As the peristaltic pump hose only one end is connected to the atmosphere, the other end is squeezed by the peristaltic pump rotor and can not be connected to the atmosphere, the liquid will produce tension in the pipeline, when the tension can not overcome the gravity of the liquid, the liquid will still drop.
The solution is as follows:
We can solve the liquid drop by solving the tension size of the fluid to overcome the gravity. We can try to solve the liquid drop phenomenon by reducing the diameter of the pipe outlet, we can easily increase the tension of the fluid in the pipe. Of course, in addition to this simple method, we can also add a one-way pressure valve at the outlet to solve the dripping phenomenon. When the precision peristaltic pump work, the pressure generated by the peristaltic pump itself to open the one-way valve, when the peristaltic pump stops, the one-way valve in the pressure disappears automatically closed.
【Tag of this article】:High precision peristaltic pump dripping liquid what is the reason?
【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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