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What are the advantages of using a distributed peristaltic pump

Release date:Oct 20, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Distributive peristaltic pump is mainly used for various complex liquid quantitative distribution, which can achieve high precision flow transmission control. So, what are the advantages of distributed peristaltic pumps? PreFluid Peristaltic pump manufacturers take you to learn more about the advantages of distributed peristaltic pumps.
Distributive peristaltic pump is mainly used for various complex liquid quantitative distribution, which can achieve high precision flow transmission control. So, what are the advantages of distributed peristaltic pumps? PreFluid Peristaltic pump manufacturers take you to learn more about the advantages of distributed peristaltic pumps.

The design advantages of the various components of the distributed peristaltic pump are as follows:

WL300B-TH25 is a newly developed two-rotor spring type pump head. The design of spring-type two-rotor roller assembly greatly reduces the shear force of the pump and increases the service life of the hose. Pump cover with bright engineering plastic, easy to observe the operation of the pump;

Designed specifically for tangential flow filtration (TFF), viral filtration (VF), and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) applications, the TH25 pump heads deliver linear flows up to 1.5bar pressures up to 3.2L/min.

At the same time can be adapted to 15# 24# 35# 36# four specifications of hose;

WL300B adopts streamlined design of metal shell, small and beautiful appearance, the shell surface has a special coating, which is convenient for disinfection and sterilization in pharmaceutical factories;

The WL300B is equipped with maintenance-free brushless DC zone motion for quiet operation and high transmission pressure.

WL300B-TH25 peristaltic pump is specially designed and manufactured for biological agents, vaccines and other industries. The surface of the case has a special coating to facilitate disinfection and sterilization.

WL300B-TH25 peristaltic pump adopts large LCD screen, can display a variety of parameters and English and Chinese menu is optional, the drive can adjust the speed or flow through the button, has the function of running meter total amount and quantitative timing, and has the power failure memory function, can automatically save the last power failure when the operating parameters;

WL 300B-TH25 peristaltic pump fully meets CE requirements;
【Tag of this article】:What are the advantages of using a distributed peristaltic pump
【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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