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How often should the peristaltic pump tube be replaced

Release date:Sep 15, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
In the lab. Chemical. In fields such as pharmaceuticals, peristaltic pump tubes are used more frequently because the liquid transported has great particularity, sometimes only a single use to ensure hygiene and purity.
In the lab. Chemical. In fields such as pharmaceuticals, peristaltic pump tubes are used more frequently because the liquid transported has great particularity, sometimes only a single use to ensure hygiene and purity. Some new users are just starting to use peristaltic pumps. They don't know much about when to slide the hose. They always ask everyone how long it will take to replace the pipes. Today, Pryfluid will explain when and how to replace pipes.
How long it takes to replace the peristaltic pump tube depends on the performance of the liquid you are transporting and the choice of peristaltic pump model. According to the peristaltic pump hose bar, the pump pipe is divided into domestic and imported. Pump model is fixed, liquid delivery is unchanged, domestic pipeline: can be replaced for about 350 hours. Inlet tube: Replaceable for about 1000 hours.
The lower the speed of the pump, the lower the number of extrusion times of the peristaltic pump tube, and the longer the replacement interval. Because different hoses have different chemical resistance properties, it will also affect the replacement time of the hose.
1. Place the pump on the platform smoothly.
2. Open peristaltic pump head and take out hose.
3. Attach the hose to the pump head to ensure that the hose inside the pump head is not too long.
4. Then clamp the hose with the tube and close the pump head.
【Tag of this article】:How often should the peristaltic pump tube be replaced
【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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