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Causes of peristaltic pump flow rate display error

Release date:Sep 12, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Peristaltic pump is generally divided into speed regulation type, flow line and distribution type, in which flow type driver can display the current peristaltic pump flow rate and speed and other parameters.
Peristaltic pump is generally divided into speed regulation type, flow line and distribution type, in which flow type driver can display the current peristaltic pump flow rate and speed and other parameters. Pump transmission fluid is pulsating, because this pulsation will lead to the conventional flow meter can not be accurately measured, can only use a volumetric flow meter, and this flow meter can only adapt to a part of the fluid transmission, for the fluid with particles can not be measured. This flowmeter has a certain demand for the pressure of the liquid, and the price is more expensive, which also leads to the flow type peristaltic pump on the market for open loop products, the displayed flow value is calculated, rather than the actual value, generally there will be errors.

This calculated value is based on the size of the slope of the transmission curve caused by the hose of different specifications, usually a linear relationship. When there is a certain error between the actual value and the displayed value after replacing the new peristaltic pump hose, the flow rate on the driver needs to be modified and set to the actual flow rate, so that the display and transmission correspond. However, due to the transmission curve and various factors, there will be a linearity error. Therefore, when the flow curve correction is completed, once the motor speed of the driver is changed, there will be a certain error between the flow rate value displayed by the driver and the actual flow rate value transmitted, and it will expand with the range of speed value changes, and this error may become larger. Therefore, once the flow curve correction is completed, the value displayed by the driver is accurate in the case that the motor speed change range is not large, and when the motor speed change range is too large, the flow curve correction needs to be re-performed.

For flexible hoses, the curve is very close to a straight line, in this case, the value displayed by the driver can often correspond to the actual transmission velocity; For the peristaltic pump hose with poor elasticity or thicker, the linearity error of its curve is often large, so when adjusting the speed range of the driver motor is large, the flow curve must be re-calibrated to obtain relatively more accurate display data.
【Tag of this article】:Causes of peristaltic pump flow rate display error
【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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