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Peristaltic pump can transfer what liquid

Release date:Jul 12, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
In the process of peristaltic pump conveying liquid, the liquid only flows through the hose and does not contact the other parts of the pump body, so as long as the hose can transmit liquid, the peristaltic pump can transmit.
In the process of peristaltic pump conveying liquid, the liquid only flows through the hose and does not contact the other parts of the pump body, so as long as the hose can transmit liquid, the peristaltic pump can transmit.

The commonly used material for peristaltic pump pump tube is silicone, which is an improved silicone material, different from the ordinary silicone tube material on the market, because the peristaltic pump has higher requirements for the hose, the hose needs to have high elasticity, wear resistance, fatigue resistance and certain corrosion resistance, and the ordinary silicone hose can not. In general, the silicone tube used in the peristaltic pump can withstand non-corrosive, weak acid-base liquid transmission, food, beverages, cosmetics, biological products, pharmaceuticals and other liquids. The standard hose for peristaltic pumps is a medical platinum vulcanized silicone tube.

Commonly used inlet pipe materials are as follows:

pharmed pipe: In some special cases, it is more troublesome to replace the hose and want the hose to have a higher service life, at this time, the imported pharmed pipe will be used by polypropylene and polypropylene composed of USP mineral oil mixture, the tube has a long service life in all peristaltic pump pipes, which can reach more than ten times the silicone tube, is the ideal choice for pressure workers. Pharmed hose can be used for medium acid-base liquid transmission, tissue cell culture, fermentation, synthesis, separation, purification and process inspection control, production filtration and fermentation, aseptic filling, BPC pipeline system, food and beverage, cosmetics, biological products, pharmaceutical and other industries, flexible, especially suitable for solenoid valves.

Chemical pipeline: The pipeline is a double-layer pipeline, the inner wall is Teflon material, the outer layer is thermoplastic high elastic body, the surface is smooth, does not contain plasticizer, can withstand strong acid base and strong corrosive organic solvent, can transport 98% concentrated sulfuric acid, acetone, methyl benzene.

Viton pipe: The composition is fluorine rubber, which can resist strong acid and alkali, and most strong corrosion organic solvents.

Tygon pipe: The composition is thermoplastic rubber, PVC plasticizer mixture can be used for medium acid and base liquid transmission, physical and chemical analysis instrument hose, almost all laboratory commonly used inorganic chemicals, can be used as condenser, incubator, gas pipe, drain pipe, peristaltic pump and other experimental hoses. The peristaltic pump is accurate and durable, the transport flow is stable, the pressure and head are continuously adjustable, the transport material is not in contact with the outside world, to prevent pollution, and various flow liquid pumping. There is a microdelivery, can also be used as small cans.
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