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Temperature and flow pressure analysis of peristaltic pump medium

Release date:Jul 07, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Temperature and flow pressure analysis of peristaltic pump medium
1. Why should the peristaltic pump fully understand the medium?

Different media, PH value is different, corrosion is different. Select the appropriate hose and nozzle plugs according to chemical properties.

2, peristaltic pump why hose peristaltic pump has intermittent operation and continuous operation?

Continuous operation of the rubber hose will accelerate fatigue, and the running time helps us understand the life of the hose or the opportunity to choose a smaller pump type.

What is the definition of intermittent and continuous operation?

Running for one hour and stopping for more than one hour is intermittent operation.

Running for one hour and stopping for less than one hour is still continuous operation.

3, why should the peristaltic pump understand the temperature of the medium?

Running under high temperature conditions will accelerate the fatigue and aging of the hose. As the temperature increases, the speed of the hose pump should be reduced.

For hoses of different materials, the temperature limits are as follows:

Natural rubber hose (NR) : 80℃

(EPDM) : 100℃

Nitrile rubber hose includes food grade (NBR) : 80 ° C

HYM rubber hose: 80℃

4, peristaltic pump hose pump flow depends on what?

a) Hose cavity capacity

b) Rotation speed of the pump

c) The operating environment has great limitations on the self-priming capacity of the pump

Of course, there are several pump types we can choose at the same flow rate, so we also have to consider certain factors for the user: the relationship between initial investment and long-term operating costs.

5. Why should the pressure and flow of peristaltic pump fully match the actual situation of customers?

The flow rate can set the speed of the pump rotation, and the pump pressure can be adjusted according to the customer's needs (up to 16Bar). Select pump type to determine net power and installed power.

6, peristaltic pump inlet pipe length and outlet pipe length, liquid viscosity is how much? What does this information do?

Determine thrust and friction losses

Determining friction loss

Whether auxiliary vacuum device is required

7, what kind of material does the peristaltic pump need to connect the pipe?

Sanitary grade 316 stainless steel is usually used, and PP and PVDF can also be provided.

Flange standards are DN16, ANSI, JIS.
【Tag of this article】:Temperature and flow pressure analysis of peristaltic pump medium
【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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