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Peristaltic pump: excellent liquid transfer solution

Release date:Jul 19, 2024 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Peristaltic pump is a kind of liquid conveying equipment widely used in the industrial field, and has become the first choice in many industries for its efficient, reliable and flexible characteristics.
Peristaltic pump is a kind of liquid conveying equipment widely used in the industrial field, and has become the first choice in many industries for its efficient, reliable and flexible characteristics. This article will delve into the working principle, characteristics and application areas of peristaltic pumps, and give you a detailed introduction to this excellent liquid transport solution.

Peristaltic pump is a kind of equipment based on the principle of reciprocating compression, through the reciprocating movement of soft rubber tube or metal diaphragm, the liquid compresses and pushes, so as to achieve liquid transportation. Compared with other types of pumps, peristaltic pumps have the following notable features.

First, the operation of the peristaltic pump is very stable and reliable. Due to its simple structure, few parts, and very low failure rate, it can run continuously for a long time without frequent maintenance. Secondly, the peristaltic pump can transport a variety of viscous liquids, from clean water to high concentration of suspension can be competent. Whether it is an acid-base solution in the chemical industry, or a paste or jam in the food industry, the peristaltic pump can easily handle it.

In addition to being stable, reliable and adaptable, peristaltic pumps also have extremely high accuracy. By adjusting the speed of the pump and the pressure of the pipeline, the precise control of the liquid flow can be achieved with an accuracy of 1%. This feature makes peristaltic pumps widely used in industries that require precise control of throughput, such as medicine and environmental protection.

Peristaltic pumps play an important role in many fields. In the chemical industry, peristaltic pumps are often used to transport various corrosive media and chemicals, such as sodium chloride, sulfuric acid and so on. In the food industry, peristaltic pumps are widely used to transport paste, jam, sauce and other high-viscosity materials. In addition, peristaltic pumps are also widely used in pharmaceutical, printing and dyeing, sewage treatment and other industries.

In summary, peristaltic pump is an efficient, reliable and adaptable liquid transport equipment. Its superior stability, accuracy and wide range of applications make it favored by all walks of life. Peristaltic pumps are an ideal choice for those requiring high accuracy and stability in liquid delivery.
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