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How to choose the right peristaltic pump head

Release date:Aug 05, 2024 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Peristaltic pump head is a kind of fluid conveying equipment commonly used in chemical industry, medical treatment, environmental protection and other fields.
Peristaltic pump head is a kind of fluid conveying equipment commonly used in chemical industry, medical treatment, environmental protection and other fields. It adopts the principle of peristalsis, and pushes the fluid forward by squeezing the hose. It has the characteristics of no leakage, high precision, low pulsation, etc., and is widely used in various industries. However, there are a variety of different types of peristaltic pump heads on the market, and how to choose their own peristaltic pump heads has become a problem for many people. This article will introduce in detail the type of pump head, performance indicators, application fields, etc., to help you better choose peristaltic pump head.

First of all, let's understand the classification of peristaltic pump head. According to the structural form, the peristaltic pump head can be mainly divided into several types: roller type, slider type, pear gear type and reciprocating. Roller peristaltic pump head is suitable for conveying high viscosity and large particle materials, with high pumping accuracy; The sliding block peristaltic pump head is simple in structure and easy to maintain, and is suitable for small and medium-sized conveying work; Pear-shaped gear peristaltic pump head is suitable for high pressure pumping; The reciprocating peristaltic pump head is suitable for applications requiring high pulsation and high precision. Understanding the characteristics of different types of peristaltic pump heads helps us to better choose their own peristaltic pump heads.

Secondly, we need to understand the performance indicators of the peristaltic pump head. The first is the flow adjustment range, that is, the minimum flow and maximum flow range that the pump head can adjust. The flow adjustment range is directly related to the application and pumping requirements of the pump head. The second is the pressure range, that is, the maximum working pressure that the pump head can withstand. According to the different pumping medium, we need to choose the suitable pressure range of peristaltic pump head; There is also the pumping speed of the pump head, which refers to the volume of the pump head per minute; Finally, the accuracy of the pump head, that is, the accuracy of the pump head pumping flow. Understanding these performance indicators can better choose the peristaltic pump head that suits your needs.

In addition, different application areas have different requirements for peristaltic pump heads. For example, in the chemical industry, because the medium may be corrosive, we need to choose a peristaltic pump head with corrosion resistance; In the medical field, the pump head material is required to be non-toxic and harmless, and it needs to have high precision; In the field of environmental protection, the pump head is required to save energy and protect the environment, and has a high work efficiency. Therefore, when selecting the peristaltic pump head, it is necessary to determine the appropriate model and material according to the requirements of the specific application field.

To sum up, choosing the right peristaltic pump head needs to consider factors such as the type of pump head, performance indicators and application fields. By understanding the characteristics of different types of peristaltic pump heads, determine the required performance indicators, combined with specific application scenarios, we can better choose their own peristaltic pump heads. I hope this article has been helpful!
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