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Peristaltic pump selection

Release date:Mar 28, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Peristaltic pump is a new type of pump products, with high efficiency, environmental protection, low noise and other advantages, so it has been widely used in many industries. However, for the peristaltic pump selection problem, many people may not understand very well. In this article, we will introduce the method of selection and precautions for peristaltic pump.
Peristaltic pump is a new type of pump products, with high efficiency, environmental protection, low noise and other advantages, so it has been widely used in many industries. However, for the peristaltic pump selection problem, many people may not understand very well. In this article, we will introduce the method of selection and precautions for peristaltic pump.

First, the selection method of peristaltic pump

1. Flow selection: In the selection, the first need to determine the required flow size. Specifically, the factors that need to be considered include the flow of the conveying medium, conveying distance and conveying height, etc. Therefore, the selection needs to be made according to the actual situation.

2. Pressure selection: After determining the flow rate, it is necessary to further determine the required pressure. Therefore, the selection needs to be based on the transport medium flow properties and transport distance and other factors to choose.

3 material selection: the material selection of peristaltic pump is very important, because different materials have different adaptability to the medium. In the selection of the need to choose according to the nature and characteristics of the transport medium, to ensure the long-term stable operation of the peristaltic pump.

4. Motor power selection: The motor power of peristaltic pump is also one of the factors to be considered in the selection. Generally speaking, the greater the motor power, the stronger the peristaltic pump transmission capacity. Therefore, the selection needs to be made according to the actual demand.

Two, the attention of peristaltic pump

1. The characteristics of the medium: when using the peristaltic pump, the characteristics of the conveying medium need to be fully understood. If the transmission medium has corrosive, high viscosity characteristics, need to choose suitable materials and models. 2 Temperature and pressure: in the use of peristaltic pump, need to pay attention to the temperature and pressure of the conveying medium. If the temperature and pressure are beyond the range of peristaltic pump, it may affect the service life and performance of peristaltic pump.

3 Maintenance and maintenance: the maintenance and maintenance of peristaltic pump is very important, can extend the service life of peristaltic pump, improve the efficiency of peristaltic pump. During maintenance, pay attention to cleaning and replacing wearing parts.

In short, peristaltic pump is a very practical pump products, but in the selection and use process need to pay attention to some problems, to ensure the long-term stable operation of peristaltic pump. I hope you found this article helpful.
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