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Industrial peristaltic pump common failure

Release date:Jan 02, 2024 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Industrial peristaltic pumps are often used in dust, humidity, and a certain acid-base corrosion conditions in the environment, it is easy to cause peristaltic pump failure, peristaltic pump failure is usually caused by what? The following peristaltic pump manufacturers for you to analyze the specific reasons.
Industrial peristaltic pumps are often used in dust, humidity, and a certain acid-base corrosion conditions in the environment, it is easy to cause peristaltic pump failure, peristaltic pump failure is usually caused by what? The following peristaltic pump manufacturers for you to analyze the specific reasons.

1. The outlet valve is not opened or not fully opened, resulting in high outlet pressure, shorten the service life of the hose, and even burst the tube. Before starting the pump, make sure the valves on the inlet and outlet lines of the peristaltic pump are open and the safety valve is working properly.

2. The import and export pipes are blocked, resulting in substandard flow. If the pipeline is blocked in the work, find out the cause in time, dredge the pipeline, and restore the normal flow.

3. Due to the high speed, the service life of the hose is shortened. If the speed is too high, the rotor slider squeezes the hose too often, and the peristaltic pump hose does not have an appropriate recovery time, which will shorten the service life of the hose. Therefore, industrial peristaltic pumps need to choose the right speed according to the required flow rate on site to improve the service life of the hose, rather than artificially selecting a small size, which will lead to frequent replacement of the hose in the later stage.

4. The industrial peristaltic pump is not used for a long time and does not rotate regularly, resulting in the hose being squeezed somewhere for a long time. For long-term backup, the pulse peristaltic pump should be manually operated regularly, once a week. The rotor roller squeezes a position for a long time, which will cause hose fatigue and affect the service life.

5. The hose or pipe is not cleaned and replaced in time. For those media that are prone to crystallization or caking, the pipe may be blocked or scratched after starting. It is recommended to clean the pipe and hose in time after the peristaltic pump is shut down. (You can clean it by running it clockwise or counterclockwise for two or three minutes).

6. The outlet pipe is not properly installed, and the bend pipe is too long, which is easy to exceed the peristaltic pump head, resulting in high outlet pressure and affecting the normal service life of the hose. When arranging the outlet hose, the bending should be minimized, especially the right Angle bending. At the same time, the diameter of the pipe should be greater than or equal to the inner diameter of the hose, and the outlet should not be directly reduced.

Purui Fluid focuses on providing professional peristaltic pump solutions for global food, pharmaceutical, chemical, environmental protection and other enterprises. The company's products cover multiple series and models. Whether it is from function, appearance, volume, or performance, price, service, Purui Fluid can meet the specific application needs of customers. Provide a variety of standard product application solutions for customers to choose or provide customers with customized customized service solutions to meet the different application needs of customers.
【Tag of this article】:Industrial peristaltic pump common failure
【Editor】:PreFluidall rights reserved:https://www.prefluid.netPlease indicate the source

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