(1) peristaltic pump suction pipe diameter than the pump inlet 1~3 or equal.
(2) In order to facilitate maintenance and driving, the suction pipe should be equipped with a cut-off valve and as close as possible to the pump inlet, with the same diameter as the pipe diameter.
(3) In order to protect the pump from being damaged, a filter is set downstream of the pump suction line cut-off valve, usually a T-type filter.
(4) The discharge pipeline should be equipped with a cut-off valve, and the valve diameter is the same as the pipe diameter.
(5) A safety valve should be set between the outlet of the peristaltic pump and the first valve.
(6) The peristaltic pump outlet should be equipped with a pressure instrument, located on the straight pipe section between the pump and the first valve of the outlet.
(7) On the peristaltic pump outlet pipe, a discharge valve should be set between the first valve and the pump.